Johtajien tapaaminen ja luento kuoromusiikista Virossa ja muissa Baltian maissa

Dirigentmöte och en förelåsning om körmusiken i Estland och övriga Baltikum

Tapaamisen aikana tutustutaan toisiin johtajiin ja keskustellaan vapaasti. Lisäksi Anu Sepp pitää luennon englanniksi.

Under mötet träffar man andra dirigenter och umgås fritt. Anu Sepp håller ocså en föreläsning på engelska.

Phenomenon of choir singing in music education and culture in Estonia and other Baltic states

Choir singing has been and still is extremely popular in all three Baltic republics. It has a long history supported by music education in comprehensive schools. Tradition, continuity and holistic music education are the three main "pilars" of the famous , over 150-year Song Festival tradition. Another important issue is the education of music teachers which has the direct impact to choir singing. In our rapidly changing and globalising world the question of finding balance between new and traditional, entertainment and art remains a big challenge. The question of sustainability deserves a much wider discussion also in the field of musical culture.

Anu Sepp

is an associate professor of music pedagogy at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. She has also worked as a researcher at University of Helsinki. She holds a PhD (educational science, University of Helsinki) and MA (music education, choir conducting, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre). Her research interests include teacher education and music education didactics; she is the author of numerous articles and music books. Since 2019 she is the conductor of Hyvinkään Workers' Male Choir in Finland.